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Camping trips, lazy days at the pool, backyard water fights, and picnics at the park - these are the activities that a good summertime story is made of. As much as my kids enjoy the carefree days of summer (they even managed to lose track of the days within the first two weeks), they are also excited to start back to school. While I relish the thought of having some time to myself again, I already feel nostalgic about the memories we create together in the summer.
Lunchtime during the summer holidays takes place according to our bodies' schedules rather than the clock's. Two little heads appear beside me as I start pulling lunch meat and slices of watermelon out of the fridge. Four willing hands start to spread mayonnaise and mustard on slices of bread and set the patio table with place mats and napkins. My 6-year old son has claimed the job of "Official Cucumber Slicer". He sits carefully on a chair, pulled up to the counter, and slowly saws away at a cucumber until we have enough slices to fill everyone's sandwiches.

With my husband and I both working from home on many days, we have ample opportunities to eat together. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I would not have it any other way. It gives us the opportunity to chat about our day so far and to enjoy each other's company. How I am going to miss our midday chats when summer is over. Lunchtime will be far too quiet.
With my boys gone all day at school in the fall, I have an overwhelming need to stay connected to them even while we are apart. When I make their lunch each morning (they will be eating corn dogs and waffles on a stick - seriously - over my dead body), I tuck a note in each of their lunches. While the notes always include some sort of motherly sentiment, I also include either a fill-in-the-blanks secret message or a joke they can share with their friends. This small gesture lets them know that I am thinking of them, even though we are not together. After school, they often can not wait to tell me that they solved the puzzle or which of their friends had a joke to tell in response.
There are only a few weeks of summer holidays left and I plan to enjoy every moment we spend preparing and eating lunch together. For more great ideas on fun ways to spend time with your kids, check out Smucker's Kidvitations.
This giveaway is now closed.
For a chance to win a $200 Visa gift card, please answer the following question in the comment section:
"What were your favorite lunchtime rituals when you were a kid?"
Please, no duplicate comments.
You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
This giveaway is open to US Residents aged 18 and older
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail, so please be sure that you leave an email address.
You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
This giveaway will be running from August 5 to August 25, 2010.
For 9 other chances to win a $200 VIsa gift card and an opportunity to win the sweepstakes for a $400 Visa gift card, please visit the Smuckers roundup page.
Please see the Smuckers official rules for this giveaway.
Create a Kidvitation!
Home can be a busy place with the hustle and bustle of everyday life. That’s why it’s important to set time aside to spend with your kids. Use Smuckers® Kidvitations to invite your kids to share a moment with you over a perfect PB&J. Check it out. >
1 – 200 of 395 Newer› Newest»When I was a kid I liked taking the crusts off my sandwich bread.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
When I was little my granddad would put us in the living room with little trays and he would wait on us hand and foot and we thought we were fancy!I really miss those Sundays!
Ok, this will totally reveal what a germ-a-phobe I am and always have been!
When I was a kid, at school I would take my lunchroom fork to the water fountain and wash it before I would eat!
I just couldn't eat unless I knew that my fork was clean(ish)!
Don't judge me.....please!?
I was one of those kids who had to have the crust cut off my PB&J or sliced beef sandwiches always.
I really don't remember lunch time rituals when I was little. But, I was a latch-key kid and loved when my (single) mom got home from work so we could eat dinner together and talk about our days.
When I was a kid, I loved standing in line waiting to get my meal. It always made me feel like a grown-up for some reason :)
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I loved making faces with my mom out of neat things from the fridge. We would use olive eyes, cheese for the mouth, celery hair and macaroni ears. It was great fun and I carry on the ritual with my daughter.
asmithonline at yahoo dot ca
dunking tater tots in ketchup
My mom babysat for her income and feeding 6 or 7 little mouths a day was the norm. I ejjoyed helping her out with the addembly line way we made all the lunches. My favorite was peanut butter and jelly. It's a simple thing I still love to this day.
I forgot my email:
I will be blogging about it too though, so all is well.
I loved to put fritos in my peanut butter & jelly sandwich. then slightly warm it up in the microwave. Hey, don't knock it until you've tried it :)
Macaroni and Cheese with hot dog "pennies." Can't stand it now but then, it was bland bliss!
Before I was in school, my mom made us lunch and we would watch tv together.
amandarwest at gmaildotcom
i'd go through fazes..bagels and cream cheese for weeks on end..then suddenly a cheese sandwich was all i'd eat
nannypanpan at
stephanierosenhahn at yahoo dot com
I didn't have any rituals, but I loved being able to walk home for lunch to my grandma's house. She always had the best things for lunch!
I'm a new follower! My favorite lunch time ritual at school was sharing the deserts with my friends.
my mom used to make us peanut butter and jelly roll ups. It was just bread rolled with a rolling pin with pb&j on it but it was one of our favorites.
angiewith3 at live dot com
Tweeted about giveaway:
angiewith3 at live dot com
My mom would write notes to us on our paper napkins during the school year!
Blogged about this giveaway:
angiewith3 at live dot com
In the summer we would eat lunch outside on the picnic table. It was always fun to me to be eating outside.
When my sister and I were little we had our own mini tupperware set. We loved being able to eat off our own kid sized dishes. :o)
I loved bringing the same thing to school every day [bologna sandwich, chips, apple]! :)
kt1969 at comcast dot net
kt1969 at comcast dot net
I remember when they first started public transit buses in our town. We never got to ride them but it was free and since we really wanted to go, my grandparents packed a lunch for us and we spent the day riding the bus, stopped to eat at the was the coolest ting ever to us kids! They always did little things like that when we were kids. My grandma used to take us to the airport nd eat a snack or lunch and watch the planes land and take off (we're talking late 80's early 90's when security allowed you to sit at the tables in the terminal and hang out) and we loved watching the planes! great times!! lilcherrygirl at hotmail dot com
when I was a kid I used to love packing up a big homecooked meal.. (well my dad packed it up and cooked it. lol) than all of us would take a trip to Seaside in oregon and have lunch all together and play in the water the entire day!
when i was young i use to go everyday to the corner bakery and ask them to make me a french bread with bunch of italian hams in it. Then i would go home and add some eggs.
I loved pulling string cheese apart in the smallest possible strands. every lunchtime would be spent seeing how small i could pull apart the string cheese!
I used to mix ketchup and mayo to eat with my chicken and french fries!
I loved getting notes from my mom as a kid. She wrote them on my brown paper bag lunch bag and packed the bag in my backpack, so I saw them when I got my lunch out at school. THose were the days when brown paper lunch bags were commonly used!
susan (at) cravingthesavings (dot) com
I am a bit OCD, so I do rituals WELL! When I was little and had a sandwich of any kind, I would always eat the crusts first-- because that was my least favorite part-- then nibble inward until I got to the very center-- my FAVORITE part! Heck, what do I mean, when I was little? I still do that now!
And a tweet for you, my dear!
Back in my day it was bagged lunches and sandwiches wrapped in wax paper. I used to unwrap my sandwich (always peanut butter and grape jelly) and flatten out my paper like a place mat. My pint of milk (in the old cardboard containers) in the upper right corner, then I'd unwrap desert (always 4 Oreo cookies) and place them in the left corner before eating.
One I still fall back on today. It can't be Campbell's chicken noodle soup unless it has about 10 saltine crackers smushed up in it to make a kind of noodle mush. My favorite.
I loved it when my mom would make my sandwiches into heart shapes.
hewella1 at gmail dot com
Wednesdays we always had tuna fish sandwiches and ants on a log. I loved helping my mom make the ants on a log.
I loved standing in the lunch line when I was in elementary school. It made you feel so grown up and in charge :)
My mom used to make us what she called bologna pizza. It was just a slice of bologna cut like a pizza, but we loved it!
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
I just like smiple things like when my mom cut my sandwich in 4's it pbJ. Just the little things..
malmort01 at optonline net
Fluffer Nutters! PB and marshmellow cream!
Win a $25 Target GC!
Our school custodian used to come by and ask us if we wanted a milk shake and then he would shake our cartons of milk for us. We all loved it!!
frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com
When I was a child, I used to love making a bologna sandwich with ketchup and bacon bits! lol
jennyjoz24 (at)
It sounds gross but I loved smashing up potato chips and putting them inside a tuna sandwich. It was my favorite lunch so I got it often.
I loved the nasty little pizzas that were a part of our school lunches!
Tuna and potato chips was good but bologna and potato chips was always better.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Getting a 20oz. soda with my lunch...When I was suppose to be spending it on food!
Picking out which milk to drink that day! It was always a race to get the coldest, best milk. Funny :) Thanks for the chance to win this!
bkost3 at hotmail dot com
I tweeted too!!
Thanks so much!!
I didnt go to public school as a kid, so my favorite lunch time rituals came from when I went to my grammas (almost every day). We would make toast with melted cheese, and jello with fresh raspberries from grampa's garden, and ice cream.
aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com
aigcanada7 at hotmail dot com
My favorite lunchtime ritual was enjoying my little portion of potato chips! Thank you for the giveaway!
supercoupongirl AT
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supercoupongirl AT
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supercoupongirl AT
It was such a big thrill when I was in high school and we had "open campus" for lunchtime. My friends and I felt like we were grownups that we could actually walk across the street at lunchtime and buy lunch at the convienence store, LOL!
My fav. lunch time ritual was helping my mom and my gram prepare lunch for the family! I miss those days! I miss my gram! :(
jenn14_85 at yahoo dot com
My mom would pull out the bread board and push up the step stool and I would eat breakfast and lunch in the kitchen
I had a weird ritual of putting chips on my sandwich. And if I had chips, I'd always lick all the salt/flavor off first.. wEIRD!!
I loved to stick all the black olives on my fingers and then eat them off...ok I still do!
I tweeted.
I don't remember any rituals but I do remember loving it when my cousins would be there to eat Ramen noodles with us. Lunch was so much funner.
my favorite lunch time was when my grandmother would make us a basket lunch and we would go to the creek and eat and then swim
My favorite lunchtime ritual was when my grandmother would pack up a picnic basket with all our favorites and we would go out to the backyard or the park to have a picnic. She would babysit us a lot since my mom was a single mom so she tried to set some time aside for us to have some outside fun. Climb trees, run, play, and just have fun!
Heather R
My favorite lunchtime ritual when I was a kid was to find a new charm for by bracelet that my mom would hide in my lunchbox inside a note! itscindisworld at yahoo dot com
"What were your favorite lunchtime rituals when you were a kid?"
When I was a kid,my favorite sandwich for lunch was Bologna and relish on Wonder bread with no crusts and cut into 4 triangles. Fig newton cookies and a thermos of ice tea, I would spread out my napkin like a place mat,arrange my things on it and enjoy my meal.
So many of these comments brought back memories! I too used to stick potato chips in my sandwich!
I always loved getting notes in my lunch from my mom :)
In the summer time, my mom would grill us hot dogs after swimming~
When my mom use to give us peanut butter sandwiches with potato chips I use to take the top piece off and put my potato chips on top of my peanut butter. The funny thing is my two children will due the same when I give them peanut butter sandwiches LOL
When I was younger, I loved to receive little notes from my parents in my school lunch. My mother always wrote something encouraging on my sandwich and my father used to slip in little pieces of paper with sweet words that got me through the day. They sometimes even added an extra snack or candy bar if they knew I was nervous about something! These little rituals were something I looked forward to leading up to lunchtime in grade school!
Thanks so much for this chance!
My favorite lunchtime ritual when I was a kid was to eat lunch on a tv tray while watching Creature Double Feature on Saturdays!(on a black and white television set!)
I used to love buying school lunches as a kid, even though in retrospect they were pretty disgusting! My friend once found mold on her school sandwich cheese, yuck!
thewideworldof (at) gmail (com) com
I loved it when I found a note from Mom or Dad in my lunch.
thedealscoop @ yahoo . com
My favorite lunch ritual as a kid was getting special lunch treats every Friday (yang chow fried rice, dimsum etc). I normally bring food for lunch but Friday, I could go buy food in the school and they had this special Asian meals every end of the week.
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
i tweeted this giveaway:
thanks so much for this chance!
pizza day at school.
In the summer, I would help my mother cook and chop vegetables. we had a great time cooking together!
qwaszx024 at gmail dot com
Candy corn. Takes me all the way back to my childhood.
I remember eating lunch in the cafeteria at school and that I always brought my lunch. I enjoyed the raisin cookies that my Mom packed for me. I also remember that they served french fries every single day in the cafeteria!
My favorite ritual when I was in school was to visit the lunch ladies in the lunchroom. My grandma was a lunch lady and I was close with all of her co-workers.
When I was a kid, my mom always made my lunches homemade for school. She liked to keep us healthy. She also wrote nice notes inside my lunch box.
I liked eating outside in the summer!
My parent's were all about packing a "healthy" lunch. I would get SO excited when my friends would give me their leftover goodies - fruit roll ups etc. haha
My mother babysat my cousin and everyday we loved to eat scrambled eggs with Ketchup!
Shanna at mom caboodle dot com
My favorite ritual at lunch when I was a kid, were the notes my dad added to my lunch if he made it before school and my mom would try to be sneaky and add little unexpected surprises!
I don't know if I had a favorite ritual, but I always loved it if my mom put a surprise in my lunchbox!
My favorite lunchtime ritual was having a bologna and mustard sandwich on rye bread, and putting potato chips on the sandwich right before eating it :) Those were the BEST.
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I blogged
I loved looking for the note my mom put in my lunchbox! scg00387 at yahoo dot com scg00387 at yahoo dot com
my favorite ritual was the actual packing of the lunch--we brown bagged it so I made sure to put my two capri suns, snack cake, chips, and sandwich in there every day!
Seeing what my mom would come up with for me, I always wanted a sandwich but didn't like bread haha (It was a pain I'm sure)
i read interesting books while eating lunch
ann.altima at gmail dot com
my grandmother used to make me fried potatoes on my 1/2 days from school. it was our special thing together.
My favorite lunchtime ritual would be coming home from school and having my grandma prepare a delicious steak sandwich on Cuban bread
nemesis_33012 at yahoo dot com
My childhood lunchtime rituals consisted of lots and lots of fruit and a pot of chocolate sauce for dipping. But that also meant lots of friends to share it all with.
My lunch ritual was to take a cookie with me everyday. That was my treat. One cookie.
We lived close enough to school for my brother and I to be able to walk home for lunch. My most memorable lunches were actually when my Dad was laid off from work, so he would be there waiting to make us soup and sandwiches. He'd also have a ready made sundae waiting in the freezer for dessert; usually a scoop of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and coconut on top. Why did it seem the lunches he made for us were so much better than any others???
My favorite lunchtime ritual was mixing together peanut butter and grape jelly together and putting it on toast with cheese. It was and EVERYDAY meal!
Mine was having mom come to the thanksgiving lunch in elementary school and making fun of the food.
I used to love it when my mom would make grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches! I haven't had one in years now, but thinking about them is making my mouth water!
iamlipbalmqueen at hotmail dot com
My mother made "fairy sandwiches", which was butter and sugar on white bread. I thought I was quite the princess, but I later learned we didn't have anything else to eat. What could have been a depressing fact was turned into a happy, special tradition thanks to my mother's creativity!
I loved making banana & mayo sandwiches as a kid.
charisscharity at yahoo dot com
Watching LambChop while eating lunch
My folks always had all the best sandwich fixings...and chips... and soda, so it was like having a deli lunch at home... with the best company.
When I was a kid, my Mom & Grandma would make us wonderful lunches. Usually a small sandwich with the crust cut off and a small bowl of homemade soup. My Grandma always gave us soup at lunchtime, even during the summer. I really got to love it.
Thanks so much.
My favorite lunchtime ritual when I was a kid was to put my spagetti-o's on bread!
I always ate with my stuffed seal animal.
Coming home at lunch time to make fried bologna sandwiches-I wouldn't eat that now, but I loved it as a kid.
my favorite when I was a kid was grandma using a heart cookie cutter to make my pb&j sandwich into this adorable heart
My grandmother always made lunch for us in the summer. She would let us "have a picnic" on the front porch
My dad put peanut butter and mayo on his bologna sandwiches, so of course we wanted them that way too. It makes me cringe to think of it now, but I don't remember it as tasting bad at all.
I tweeted
when I was a kid, we lived on a farm and during the summertime we would pack a picnic lunch and take it off into our woods for a secret picnic
I used to press the sandwich in between my hands until it was very very thin.
My wonderful cook mother always made home made desserts with every meal which made it all perfect!
making sandwiches for all meals and there were 7 to make sandwiches for
My favorite was going to a fast food restaurant once a week after doing errands.
When I was younger my mom would make sandwiches for us and we would toast our sandwiches before eating them. lol
shopgurl101 at gmail dot com
we didnt have a ritual, there was no normalcy here. if there was something to eat it was sparse.
One of the rituals as a kid was helping my Mom put our lunches together in the morning. She would slice the hard salami, and I would put the ketchup on the bread. Sure do miss her, Thanks for the chance to win the Visa GC.
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
I loved when my maw maw made her fruit salad! It was cool and wonderful and she added something special to each plate. I got nuts, one sister got chocolate chips, another got cherries. I am queenesperfect at
reading my mom's notes in our lunchbox
tvollowitz at aol dot com
We use to eat lunch outside by the pool. It was so relaxing.
I don't remember having any particular rituals. Our house was pretty chaotic growing up though.
I like to include knock knock jokes and riddles in with lunches.
I'd always help my mom when she did something easy like pb&j :) Loved that!
My dad and I used to share a can of sardines together while waiting in the car while my mom shopped. It was very special--those times and waiting was a breeze.
catmom1010 at gmail dot com
We only had wheat bread (I wanted white) so I would always take the crust off the bread as it was too
I don't remember anything special except that I didn't like chocolate milk and always had to have white milk
Tuesday nights was Pot Pie night. I would scrape all the fillings off the crust and then eat the crust and leave the rest.
I wanted to live on Kraft Mac N Cheese when I was a kid. I still like it a lot.
we would have leftover french toast....delicious although it may not sound like it! :-)
~eunice b
tigergal01 @gmail .com
tigergal01 @gmail .com
I packed my lunch at home so I always had things that I really liked for lunch
Try to make the milk last.
My lunchtime routine would be at noon my mom would always make me either a tuna sandwich or a grilled cheese, the only two things I would eat for lunch.
i loved it when my mom would surprise me with a avacado sandwich....they were expensive back then and we didn;t have much money
For some weird reason I liked to buy my lunch in the cafeteria. I have no clue what was wrong with me... So my mom got off easy!
chelsea at rootsandrings dot com
We had a weekly treat surprise. We never knew which day we would open our lunch and our fave candy bar or pastry would be in there! it was so fun.
Thanks for the chance.
I used to play around in the dirt and try to make dirtballs (like snowballs) and throw them at trees. Now I wouldn't dare dig my fingers into the dirt.
I loved it that my mom didn't think it was weird that I liked dipping my beloved grilled cheese in ketchup. I still do it to this day:)
Jenny B
jennyhasquads at yahoodotcom
I ate hot lunch at school..and HATED it. The food was so sub-par. I drank the milk and waited to get home to have Mom's good food. She fed us a great breakfast, and told us to eat the food at school but how anyone could eat that after eating her great food was beyond me.
favorite lunchtime rituals when I was a kid was chocolate milk
I don't recall any particular lunchtime rituals... I just remember I loved lunch.
My ritual was to make sure that none of my food touched any of the other food...and then usually eating each item one at a time. When someone would say "well it all goes the same place in the end" I'd reply "yeah, but it doesn't have to all taste the same getting there!"
Mom let me "help" - the most fun was when we made my favorite flying saucer grilled cheese :)
no special rituals - but summertime was fun - making homemade ice cream in an old fashioned barrel
My favorite lunch time routine was finding a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in my lunch bag and .40 cents to get an ice cream treat. I left a link on twitter!
I must have PB&J no matter what when I was kid.
My most memorable ritual was to keep my bowl of cereal tilted so that the cereal wouldn't get soggy in the milk. I still do this.
Peanut butter and jelly with the crusts cut off.
Whenever I would get to take my lunch to school (my Mom felt a hot school lunch was more nutritious than a bagged lunch), it was always a pimento cheese sandwich. I thought I was the luckiest girl on Earth with that sandwich.
My favorite lunchtime ritual was sneaking out of the cafeteria to eat by myself in the classroom so I could read a book
we make animal shapes out of their sandwiches
squirt the jelly in a heard shape on the bread in pb&j, so when they pull the sandwich apart, they see the heart mom left for them :)
shoppingchic at gmail dot com
making salad dressing - shake up the oil and vinegar and spices
seanm1999 (at) hotmail (dot) com
When I was a kid, my favorite lunch time rituals involved everyone sitting together at the table. That stuff just doesn't ever happen anymore =(
I tweeted as well!
When I was little my dad and I would eat lunch on TV trays and watch The Beverly Hillbillies or Gomer Pyle together.
eswright18 at
i guess it's a lunchtime ritual that I ate the same thing in every school lunch - a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
I would have to say it was always opening my lunchbox slowly in anticipation of what was in there. My mom always packed a great lunch with lots of surprizes.
swapping stuff in my lunch with other kids
autumn398 @
Heh, when I was a kid, my ma would always pack along at least one item I didn't like, like pudding or a piece of fruit, and pretty much EVERY lunch period, I would go around to the various tables and try to pawn it off for something else I did like :P Mixed success.
I just tweeted this giveaway here :D
I have three younger sisters and one older. During the summer when our parents were working my older sister and I had the job of watching our younger sisters. We used to love to turn lunchtime into a tea party or a picnic or something else fun. I miss those tea parties. :)
We didn't take lunch to school.
Growing up in Ukraine we didn't really have lunch but an early dinner at 2:30pm right after school. We always ate together with my mom and I told her every detail of my day at school, that was always fun :)
When I was about 10 years old my mother taught a bunch of neighbor kids a 4-H cooking class and one of the lessons was on healthy lunches. I still make that lunch today, only sometimes it's for dinner :)
I used to take my chocolate chip cookie and put it into my pbj sandwich and smash it flat. Then it would be ready to eat. Not sure why I did it, but it had to be done that way up to 5th grade.
My childhood lunch ritual was making a cheese sandwich. I would cut the crust off the bread and put slices of cheese between two pieces. I don't remember much more than that about lunch times.
Definitely what i ate. I haae fond memories of certain foods, like pb&j sandwiches, and to this day, when I eat them, I think about my childhood. My son's favorite ritual is making his own sandwich. He always feels like such a big boy when he does.
I guess my ritual was eating peanut butter sandwiches. No jelly because I hated (and hate!) when the jelly soaks into the bread.
Maggie at tethered mommy dot com
My mom would pack me a pb&j, some fruit and a Little Debbie treat in my lunch every day except for pizza day.
I don't remember any lunch-time rituals. I was a picky eater when I was younger, so my parents would pay me a dollar each time I made a "happy plate".
we usually fended for ourselves, but I loved a banana wrapped in a piece of bread.
I loved being able to buy lunch at school - it was a very special treat.
Aww so cute! She looks so much like you. I remember always getting notes on my lunch bag from mom and also her surprising me with little treats in my lunch bag at school, like my favorite back then, Little Debbie Oatmeal Pie!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
I tweeted:
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
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