Monday, August 2, 2010

Eating Healthy While on Vacation

This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Crystal Light.

This giveaway is now closed.

While on vacation, it is tempting to throw all restraint aside. Huge portions seem to be the norm at many restaurants and it is tempting to throw caution to the wind by ordering butter-laden sauces and full-fat salad dressings that might rarely cross your dinner table at home. Most of us have experienced those post-vacation blues when we step on the scale and cringe as the number flashes on the screen.

So, how do we avoid these inevitable pitfalls while still enjoying our vacation? Here are a few tips and tricks that have kept us on the straight and narrow while traveling.

Do it yourself:
We often try to stay in places that offer a kitchen, or at least a fridge, so that we can make several of our meals. With a couple of bags of cereal, a selection of fresh fruit, and a gallon of milk, breakfasts are taken care of for the trip. Pop out to the grocery store and pick up a loaf of bread, some deli meats and cheeses, a couple of condiments, and some lettuce and cucumber. You will have sandwiches perfect for packing to the beach or on a hike. Cooking for yourself gives you more control over what goes into your food than eating out meal after meal. It's a lot easier on the pocket book, too.

Snack bags:
While you're at the grocery store or the nearest warehouse store, such as Costco, pick up some healthy snacks, such as baby carrots, granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit. Divide them into resealable kitchen bags and pack a few them along on your day trips. Having healthy snacks close at hand help curb those impulse buys of French fries and candy bars.

When my kids start to feel hungry within an hour of our last meal, I hand them the water bottle. I find that, often, thirst can disguise itself as hunger and a quick hydration stop can do the trick. Carry along water and low-calorie drinks without caffeine, such as Crystal Light. Check out Crystal Light's variety of flavors that are sure to appeal to your family.

Indulge a little:
You're on vacation! A little bit of indulgence is in order. If you allow yourself and your family to snack on the occasional treat, no one will feel deprived (and cranky). You are far more likely to be content with healthy snacks if you know there is an ice cream cone in your near future.

This giveaway is now closed.

For a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card, please answer the following question in the comments section:

What is your best tip for eating healthy while on vacation or away from home?

Please, no duplicate comments.
You may receive an additional entry by linking on twitter and leaving a link in the comments.
You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
This giveaway is open to US Residents aged 18 and older
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail, so please be sure that you leave an email address.
You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

Please head to the CLB exclusive offers page for 6 more chances to win $100 and a chance to win $1000.

Please see the official rules for this giveaway.

For more information on Crystal Light, head to their site.



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Mami2jcn said...

I bring a food journal with me on vacation and keep track of calories consumed.

mami2jcn at gmail dot com

Amy said...

Definitely bringing your own snacks. It really helps!

Unknown said...

We always check out the local grocery market and stock up on local fruits and nuts for breakfast and/or snacks. It's both affordable and healthy!


Amy Sherman said...

Take a ziptop bag with nuts and raisins as a snack for the plane or car. It can help keep you away from candy when your blood sugar gets low.

Shannon said...

First Monday back to work after a nice beach vacation, so this topic is timely indeed! Morning walks (before things heat up too much) are great exercise when on vacation. I also love to stay in rental homes or places with a kitchen where you can make many meals yourself - cutting cost and calories simultaneously!


Meghan said...

I recommend going grocery shopping with on vacation. When my husband and I went to NZ on our honeymoon, we had hotel rooms with mini-fridges and went to local grocers.


Trish said...

I like to go grocery shopping and buy some fresh fruits and veggies so that we have something healthy to snack on. Hopefully that prevents us from being too hungry and ordering those huge portions for lunch and dinner.

Anonymous said...

If my vacation destination offers fresh fish...I eat FISH, otherwise, I will ask if there is a menu of just grains, fruits and veggies.

Rupper Family said...

I always carry granola bars and pretzels for my little ones in my purse and I've started bringing refillable water bottles on our outings.

Unknown said...

I usually have go stop at a grocery to pick up something I have forgotten, so I always filly the cooler with veggies & fruits to nosh on while travelling.

marla {family fresh cooking} said...

Ok, your kids are adorable!
I am very picky about how we travel. When I stay on my meal plan I feel my best. We when travel I need & must have a kitchen. The kids require food all day as do I.
If it is a long trip I ship my favorites from Trader Joe's ahead of time. That means all of my essentials are waiting for us.
My travel tip: when in a hotel use the hot water from the coffee maker to make your own oatmeal. Add some protein powder and dried fruit.Voila! Breakfast is served.

momznite said...

I watch portion size and try to add some extra swimming and/or walking to make up for vacation splurges.

Tricia said...

Traveling with your family is stores are the answer...the kids hate to be cooped up in restraunts. We try to get places with matter what season. We even found that the nice people of Hawaii have grocery stores...and condo's with pots and pans.

Unknown said...

Bring along snacks in those little tiny ziplock bags.

Susan Vaughn said...

Going on vacation can be exhausting, but as a family, we try to eat a good, healthy breakfast every morning before we start our day, a light lunch no later than 1pm, and a healthy dinner by 6pm, that way we have energy for our day of fun together and don't feel stuffed when our heads hit the pillow. We also try to make healthy choices with every meal. That can be difficult when we have to eat out every meal, but we have discovered that restaurants are becoming more health conscious and offer more healthy choices - fruits and vegetables, and leafy greens. This is how we try to eat healthy, stay well, and enjoy our vacation together as a family!!

Raisin Toast

Kristen said...

On road trips I bring a cooler of healthy snacks and cool drinks and I try to get hotel rooms with a fridge. Even if you eat out one meal a day, if you eat the other two from meals you make yourself you'll be ahead!

couponboss at gmail dot com

wildveggiewoman said...

I think I'm too late for the competition, but i had to post anyway! One of my favorite holiday pasttimes is seeking out Farmer's Markets. Fun for the whole family, a great way to get to know an area, AND the perfect place to select healthy options for picnics and on-the-go foods. Some of the most seasonal, local, healthy meals we've had have been like this (and some of the best adventures!).

Unknown said...

While on vacation I make sure I always have a water bottle. I get a refrigerator in the hotel room and put fruit and salads in it.

Angel Jacklyn said...

What is your best tip for eating healthy while on vacation or away from home?


Angel Jacklyn said...


Melissa said...

We bring our own snacks and breakfast items. When we eat out, we share appetizers: they're usually fried and yummy, but we share so that we don't overindulge.

My email is visible in my profile. Thanks for the chance to win!

mar said...

I never gain weight on vacation. I stick with salads, fish and chicken! Just because I am on vacation I am not going to "pig out"!

agordon10 said...

Don't eat out every night, make food in your hotel room.

peg42 said...

I try to plan out my meals and limit the eating out part. I bring along healthy snacks and drink plenty of water to keep me full.
Thanks so much.

souldolphindream said...

If it is a short trip we bring our own food
For long trips we try to find a local farmers market or a organic store

nanbaya said...

I always bring my computer and use to track my calories, also drink lots of water and aim to eat a lot of salads


well carrying stuff like crystal light packets cut down on the urge for cokes and snacks at outings- fill refill bottle and drop one in and guzzle away and ususally am full or want to eat less. I take along snacks for the kids and ourselves like dried fruit, nature bars and some other goodies. We don't count calories but learn self cotrol and portion control

Unknown said...

I always order a salad when eating out on vacation and take it with me so I can snack on healthy food during breaks. I also go grocery shopping to buy fresh beverages so I don't have to order soda. Vacations don't hinder me from eating healthy!

JeanineMB said...

I love traveling with timeshares and rental condos so we can eat in and make something healthy (and usually tastier than fast food.) For other trips, it is fun to check out fresh produce and local foods at a farmer's market and pack a delicious picnic.

Anonymous said...

My best advice is to bring food from home. If it's a short trip bring snacks and juice/water from home. If it's a long trip pack a cooler with healthy food so you can avoid the drive thru's!!


BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

I never leave home without plenty of icy cold water. Sometime a flavor packet or two. But to ward off hunger pangs I bring granola, nuts and seeds, popcorn pretzels, and crackers.

prpldy (at) comcast dot net

Stephanie said...

bring snacks with you and find healthy restaurants
tvollowitz at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

Stop the sodas, thy blouth you.

Anonymous said...

I pack healthy snacks and flavored water.

rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

sweepmom said...

I bring healthy snacks with me.

buzzd said...

Bringing healthy snacks so there is less temptation for the bad stuff. Also just drinking lots of water.

Cindy said...

If we're going for a long ride, then I prepare cut veggies/fruits to take along in a cooler. When we go on vacation, I head to the grocery store first thing and pick up lots of fruit and veggies to cut up for snack time.

shelley said...

We bring healthy snacks with us. It deters from eating junk food.

Amy said...

Pack your own snacks and water. Stay hydrated and you'll be less likely to succumb to bad snacking temptation!

Becky said...

Like others have said, I pack my own snacks and lots of water. That helps to keep the bad cravings away.

meeyeehere said...

I carry granola in my purse and bottled water.If I am gonna be gone long periods of time I eat lots of fast food salad and I bring a dressing with oil and vineger that I made at home.

Unknown said...

We pack healthy snacks not only to save money, but so that we aren't eating junk food all the time.

allysona said...

that;s easy for us as we are vegatarians and always have snacks with us ...fruits granola etc

hale2005 said...

Pick whole grain and low sodium.


Kelly said...

I always do some research before I go on a trip to see which restaurants have good, healthy options on their menus. I allow myself a splurge meal (or two, depending on how long the trip is), but I find that many independent local restaurants have a ton of really delicious and healthy options on their menus!

krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com

anny32 said...

we try to get a room with a mini kitchen and cook our own meals. you know the ingredients and can be healthy

Black Sheep Broad said...

I take fruit wherever we go. Its sugar helps to give a burst of energy when needed, and the vitamins can't be beat. It is far less expensive than buying fast food snacks along the way too.

mogrill said...

I pack my own healthy snacks.Thanks for the chance.

mmentor said...

sign me up

mickeyfan said...

We love to stay places where we can cook our own. Frozen grapes are a great snack. We make a mix of things like raisins, nuts, other dried fruits and Teddy Grahams.

llinda29 said...

eat half of what you order

Rachel said...

Find a local grocery store and get your healthy options there. There's usually a deli and fruit and bread.

Anonymous said...

No offense :D But avoid all Mexican food :D Way too greasy :P

Anonymous said...

I just tweeted this giveaway here :D

Jamie said...

I try to research the places I'm going to eat before I go eat there, so I know what is healthy. If I don't have time, I just order something with lots of veggies, some protein, and few carbs.

smilekisses said...

We order a lot of salads.

JC said...

During vacation, we pack snacks and fresh fruit that from farmer's market or grocery stores nearby and always have water bottle by side.

JC said...

JC said...


Marsha said...

I make sure that my kids choose at least one healthy thing to eat at each meal. It's so easy to get into the mentality of "your on vacation" even with your diet. Not to say we don't go a little crazy, we do. I just like to make sure my kids have at least a vegetable and fruit option on the plate.

Bacallsmom said...

I have to admit I am not good about eating healthy away from home. ;-) But when I can talk myself into it, I try to eat a lot of salads. They fill me up so I don't eat as much of other foods that usually are high sodium and/or high fat.

bbentry [at] aol [dot] com

Leslie said...

Try to search out more local, ethnic restaurants. More fun than eating in boring chains, and they usually have more vegetarian/healthy options. Plus it's a more authentic experience!

Lisa said...

try to make the best choices possible thats all you can do!

jennem said...

We find a grocery store, and stock up on fruit and other healthy treats for the room. If there's no refrigerator we keep them in the ice bucket.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

Tina12312 said...

We make sure to eat salads and fish a lot of the time when dining out. Also it's surprising how many Subways there are; we found one in St. Thomas. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Bring your own snacks and drinks.

kport207 at gmail dot com

Super Frugalette said...

I eat Cascadian Farms granola cereal with fat free milk for breakfast nearly every morning. It really fills me up and kills my chocolate/sugar cravings. topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

we bring lots of water & fresh fruits

autumn398 @

Kristi said...

I stop at the grocery store as soon as I get into town and pick up some healthy food. I toss a few snacks in my luggage like you. :) I always get a room with at least a mini fridge and microwave. It helps my budget and waistline to cook a little in the room. :)

kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Don't get dessert!

Denise S. said...

Take a cooler with your own food or choose the healthiest things on the restaurant menu.

Chip said...

We always make sure to have a refrig in our hotel room that way we can go to the grocery store and buy fresh fruits and veggies to snack on.

sksweeps said...

I try to take lots of fruit and water for healthy snacks!

sksweeps (at) earthlink (dot) net

Alicia said...

Bring my own food when I can or shop there instead of eating out all the time.

Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

bloggyig at gmail dot com

bluedragon51 said...

Pick up fresh fruit before you leave or when arriving at your vacation spot.

JudyR said...

I try and eat lots of salads and fresh fruits and the local fish.

fostertam said...

We go home to Louisiana about twice a year. We bring a cooler full of healthy snacks like fruit, yogurt, water, etc.

fostertam said...


clc408 said...

We always stop at a produce stand on our way to the beach to stock up on fruits and vegetables to add to the fresh seafood available.

cdabs said...

I keep some Balance Bars on hand when on vacation. They're handy when hunger strikes unexpectedly -- you don't have to resort to the limited food choices that might be in front of you.

Unknown said...

Pack your own healthy snacks so you don't buy junk food at the gas station!

Thanks for entering me! Great Contest!

Janna Johnson

Jeanette H. said...

We take a cooler and bring most of our own foods and snacks, that way we can ensure what we eat is healthy. If we eat out, we try to stick to healthy foods.

Thank you for the great giveaway!!


tlannan30 said...

I think planning ahead is the best method to eat well on vacation. Deciding what meals you will eat out and when you will try to eat in your room and either bringing or buying what you need at a grocery store once you get there.


Anonymous said...

Most restaurants have a light menu with delicious low-fat options. Also, if you know you'll be on the road with only McDonalds to eat, pack healthy snacks!

Anonymous said...

Give into your cravings once a day. That way you won't feel like you are missing out and overdo it. Plus, you get to enjoy the local culture's food! Thanks! thebubbledies(at)gmail(dot)com

clynsg said...

As you mentioned, we try to stay in settings where there is at least a small kitchen, so we can pick up the ingredients for healthy meals at the local grocery. If we eat at restaurants, we pick those we know have menus that include healthy alternatives. During any car trip, the cooler has water, fresh fruit, etc., for snacking.

cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

nobimbo said...

When on vacation, I always check out the nutritional information for restaurants online before going, or even after going to calculate my calories or Weight Watcher points. Even if I can't find the specific restaurant, I can find information about a similar entree at a different restaurant.

nobimbo said...


KowgirlsRule said...

While away from home, I try to eat healthy by eating at places that I know serve salads and grilled foods.

Anonymous said...

I always carry along some oven roasted almonds for either a treat or a little meal if nothing else healthy if available.

Amy said...

I try to stay in a place with a fridge and bring some yogurts and fruits.

Giant Sis said...

I carry my own healthy snacks with me. Then I can make sure I don't wait too long to eat and then overeat because I'm starving!

chlorinebrain said...

We always bring our own food with us (it helps cut down on costs) so I pretty much only pack healthy choices for my family!

msrodeobrat said...

we carry a cooler filled with water and healthy snacks while traveling so we aren't tempted to spurlge at gas stations and pack sandwiches and stop to eat at a park while heading to our destination
addictedtorodeo at gmail dot com

kamewh said...

Bring our own healthy snacks with us :)

kerin0874 (at) yahoo (dot) com

slehan said...

I look up on the internet where the nearest real grocery store (not 7-11) is to where I'll be staying. That way I can shop there as soon as I arrive and get real food especially fruit. This usually saves me money and allows me to pick good foods. Thanks for the contest.

slehan said...

Katherine M said...

We usually fly on vacation and if I can I pack my own snack in my carryon. A healthy trail mix and I drink water. At our destination, we eat out a lot. I try to chose what seems the most healthy on the menu.

Debbie C said...

Try staying in a condo and cooking your own breakfast and maybe even other meals, depending on your daily activities.

Debbie C said...


lwoods297 said...

We buy groceries for our room when on vacation that way we are not having to constantly dine out.

patrick m said...

bring our own snacks so i know what everyone is eating.

sweetsue said...

I make sure to order fruit or a salad when I eat in a restaurant and I usually share or skip dessert.
smchester at gmail dot com

dawns41 said...

When traveling we bring a cooler and put juice and water in it. We also bring healthy snacks too.

I order salad or soup if we eat out.

intime said...

i shop wat whatever local grocery store is ear to get produce

Jennifer said...

Plan out what restaurants you want to eat at, so you know what healthy items are available.

jennylovesjeff (at) hotmail (dot) com

Ravzie said...

Stay away from the fast food greasy fatty foods!!!

susitravl said...

Eat at locally owned places that cook food fresh. You can get grilled or broiled meat/fish/chicken and veggies or salad without sauces and other stuff on them. And skip dessert most of the time. But you are on vacation and will probably walk off a lot of the calories the next day!

pattycake said...

I like to have lots of fresh fruits and raw veggies on hand for snacks.

pattycake said...

tweeted pattie43 Points of Review: Eating Healthy While on Vacation

elizabeth p said...

We have a small fridge for the jeep and we bring along some goodies. We also see if there are any UPick farms nearby. I am queenesperfect at

Julieh said...

When we go on vacation we always bring healthy snacks with us so we won't be tempted to eat junk. honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

Princess Golden Hair said...

Plan ahead. Bring family fruit as a snack

Holly B said...

Cut up veggies and portion into snack packs, easy to grab when hunger strikes!

Kimberley said...

Stay in a hotel that has kitchenettes in the rooms - this allows you to bring/buy your own groceries and cook your food the way you would normally, not having to worry about dining out, which is both expensive and not necessarily healthy. Save the dining out for special occasions.

Many thanks!!

Daniel M said...

bring your own stuff in a cooler - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Claire said...

Prepare a list of meals that don't need to be cooked and make time to grocery shop while you're there. But I do advocate having at least one big, fat, calorie-laden meal on vacation -- what's a vacation for if not getting away from rules? ;P

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

When you know you are going out to eat and the kids are coming too - order extra sides of vegetables instead of fries to go with their nuggets or whatever.

Unknown said...

Not only do we bring food and snacks with us, we also will find a grocery to restock. We take a cooler for drinks, fruit, cheese, etc. Not only do we eat healthier but we also save money.


The Sunshyn said...

In addition to eating out sometimes, we also take a cooler full of sandwich fixings and such when we go on a trip.

The Sunshyn said...

I tweeted

tattwo said...

If we are traveling by car the best thing is to bring healthy snacks in a cooler. Then you can always refill the cooler when you need with good snacks and drinks.

luckycat1818 said...

I think vacations are a time for splurging so we try to keep a balance by bringing our own healthy snacks for the car and for when we are sitting around the hotel room. We like to bring water, protein bars, fruit and crackers. This way we can still splurge on some meals without going crazy.

dlfone said...

bring along healthy snacks

idahomom said...

While on vacation, I make sure that we eat a lot of fruit and drink lots of water.

Anonymous said...

Try to eat healthy and stray away from most fast food restaurants, unless they offer healthy food alternatives. Pack healthy sandwiches and food from home to take with you.


pauline15 said...

I always try to get a hotel/motel room with at least a fridge or better yet, a kitchenette. This way, I have some fruit, milk, and yogurt readily available.
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

pauline15 said...

I tweeted:
pauline15_01 at hotmail dot com

Kari said...

salads and the more healthier options

Kjhyphen @ gmail com

Unknown said...

make sure you keep a cooler with prepacked snacks or stuff that does not need to stay cold. try and get a hotel room with a fridge or be on a floor next to an ice maker. ;)


Unknown said...

tweeted @ferriza2


Anonymous said...

it's a vacation. I diet at

Amy G. said...

For the past few years my family has rented out a cottage for a week during the summer and this makes it really easy to eat healthy. By having a fridge, microwave, oven, plates and utensils, we're able to have healthier alternatives to fast food.


Amy G. said...



tallcapp said...

I try to always put together at least one meal from a local market with plenty of fruit and salad stuff while traveling.

Anonymous said...

we eat out only one meal a day on vacation... other 2 meals are from the store... yogurts and fruit for breakfast.... cheese and crackers and fruit for lunch... also cuts down on expense

pamatmayo at hotmail dot com

Ellie Wright said...

I bring bottled water and juices so we aren't tempted to stop for sodas. I pack sliced fruits and veggies in ziplok bags to snack on. We try to stop and eat dinner at a restaurant and avoid fast food as much as possible.
eswright18 at

Jenn S. said...

We take a lot of healthy snacks and water with us or stop at a grocery store once we are there and avoid fast food as much as possible.

jas8929 at gmail dot com

Laurah said...

We bring our own non-perishable snacks on trips with us. Trail mix, granola bars, nuts, etc are great choices to snack on and a good way to save money

Barbarawr said...

We have a time share condo, so before we go, I cook a bunch of healthy food for lunches and bring a lot of fruit. So that means we're eating our usual healthy breakfast and lunch, and then everyone can choose what they want for dinner.

Barbarawr said...

I tweeted

Karen said...

Honestly, I give up on eating healthy on vacation. Instead, I find more physical activities to do to keep the family healthy.

ktgonyea at

Valeen said...

I keep a drawer in the fridge full of healthy quick snacks! When we travel I bring our own snacks so we're not tempted to eat junk food!

sweepyhead at gmail dot com

Barbara Bee said...

We try to stay away from fast food restaurants for the most part while we're on vacation. We try to eat at family style restaurants where we can get lean protein and vegetables.

3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com

Unknown said...

Rent a house or condo that has a kitchen so you can bring or buy your own food to prepare.

Unknown said...


tesashel said...

Find the nearest grocery store and stock the mini-fridge.
tesashel225 (@) aol (dotcom)

katybaby said...

I'm on WW, so I just bring my points counter and dining out guide to help me pick healthy choices!


katybaby said...


Anonymous said...

It is hard, but we try to get a place with a kitchen or at least a fridge whenever possible, to cut down on eating out.

katfam95 at aim dot com

SouthernSnow said...

I always try to do research on the internet and find local farmers markets to visit. Make it part of the vacation. Fun and healthy.

SouthernSnow said...

Unknown said...

Hubby and I usually split a meal which is plenty for the two of us. trinitygsd at yahoo dto com

hbbs55 said...

while on vacation we love to visit the local farmers markets and pick up fresh fruit and veggies to snack on.

hbbs55 said...


Anonymous said...

My family and I always bring bottled water with us when we travel! We also make sure to bring along healthy snacks (fruit, yogurt, granola bars, nuts, etc.) and add lots of physical fitness activity to our vacation adventure!

Thanks for the chance to win and Good Luck to all!

Anonymous said...

I Tweeted this giveaway to all my Twitter friends:

fluggy said...

I take along my own healthy snacks

Joy said...

stop at the grocery store and buy fresh fruit and simple healthy items for lunch

Lisa Garner said...

We love to stay in places with their own kitchenette so that we can make our own healthy meals.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Lisa Garner said...

I Tweeted this giveaway.
lisalmg25 at gmail dot com

Jessilyn82 said...

I check out local farmer's markets and produce stands-I love that it's locally grown and usually cheaper than at the store

Jessilyn82 said...



Anonymous said...

Consider the time you will be gone and plan your snacking accordingly. Fruits, and such then granola bars and nuts as time goes on.

Jinxy and Me said...

My best tip is to stop by a grocery store to stock up on healthy things so you don't have to be dependent on restaurants.

Jinxy and Me said...


Deb S. said...

I always make sure to travel with water and granola bars.


Patrice said...

Be sure to have plenty of water with you. Take snacks, such as mixed nuts, fruit and veggie sticks. Eat a small snack before you go out to restaurants so that you don't overeat.

carolpie said...

We just go to the grocery store and buy what we need!
spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

carolpie said...

I tweeted!~

Breanne said...

Bring your own snack and drinks

annemarie562000 said...

We bring our own snacks!


Katie R. said...

When staying at a hotel I find a local grocery store or supermarket and buy a large selection of fruits and vegetables to keep me from snacking on anything unhealthy.

marylibrarian said...

If we are staying over a few days, I like to have a kitchen so we can eat healthy and save on $$

mail4rosey said...

It sounds odd, but the trick for me is mindset. I have to let myself know ahead of time that I am going to make healthy choices on vacation and then I'll do it. said...

Plan ahead & shop! ...Shop BEFORE you hit the gas stations along the way! leahtardo(at)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

Splitting entrees is a great way to go. That way you get to splurge, but you aren't eating the huge servings restaurants always put in front of you. Thanks!
pjgirl74 at aol dot com

mrstrooper said...

Eat lots of fresh vegetables and fresh fruits!

Aliya S. said...

I usually eat out while on vacation but I check to see if the resturant a healthy menu option.

Bakersdozen said...

Have healthy snacks and keep hydrated. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Sonya Allstun said...

we pack healthy snacks like nuts and dried fruit for snacking. Also do a bit of research online before you take your trip and figure out healthy places to eat when you get there and along the way because we all know we dont want to spend a bunch of time cooking while on vacation us women get a bit of a vacation also :)


Unknown said...

I try to find a local farmer's market and pick up some fresh produce. Eating local to the area that I travel to and keeping it healthy. I like to support the local small growers. I try to buy honey, eggs, fruits, vegtables, jams and bread. Whatever is local and in season. It's all good.

Crystal F said...

My girls love fruit cups and dried fruit so those go with us on trips. They're easy to pack and easy to dispense. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Order things grilled and with sauces on the side.

kimbly said...

We bring meals and plan our splurges to keep them under control

kimbly at g mail dot com

S Carter said...

We normally hit a local farmers market and get some fruit to snack on.

scarter305 at aol dot com

degood said...

We get a suite with a kitchen so I can make some of the meals and then we go to the grocery store and stock up on fruits, veggies and healthier things to snack on.

Betty C said...

Even if you have to eat out every day it doesn't mean you have to stop watching your diet. You can order healthier versions of almost every dish and vegetarian meals are on every menu.

Betty C said...

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Tina said...

We bring our own snacks, and plenty of water bottles and the cooler. That way, we save on calories from not drinking soda and also save money as well.


Roxann said...

You could bring healthy snack to eat and just be conscious of what's on the menu in restaurants and make healthy choices.

loni broesch said...

Do research before you go on your options for stores and resturants to ensure healthy options

trippyjanet at hotmail dot com

AB Smith said...

def bringing healthy snacks with you on the trip is best way,...stopping randomly always leads to big trouble!

AB Smith said...


George Ferris said...

My best tip is to avoid fast food restaurants.
George Ferris

js22 said...

We usually go somewhere that has a fridge, so we'll eat breakfasts and lunches in and eat healthier meals. And then we'll go out for dinners! A good way to save money as well as eat healthier.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.

Christine C. said...

We usually only eat out three times on vacation. One dinner, lunch, breakfast on different days. We make sure we get a room with a kitchenette. This also saves money. More to spend on souvenirs!

Sarah said...

We make sure to always bring water with us to stay hydrated, and we stock our car or backpacks with plenty of healthy snacks like granola bars, fruit and cut up veggies.

Sarah said...


Anonymous said...

Try to add fresh fruit and veggies and use portion controlo
Diane Baum

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