Tell me if this sounds familiar. You head downstairs first thing in the morning, pour your first cup of coffee while looking through bleary eyes and sit down in front of the calendar to remind yourself what you need to accomplish that day. Ah yes, soccer practice for the kids, appointments to schedule, dinner to be know, the usual. You turn on the television and flip to the Weather Channel to check out the day's forecast (God forbid you actually step outside to check the temperature).
Next, you stand in front of the freezer, door wide open, and realize that all you have for dinner is chicken breasts...again. What the heck are you going to do with chicken breasts to stop your family from saying, "Can't we get takeout tonight"? And then you realize you won't be home in time from soccer practice to turn on the rice so that it will be ready in time for dinner. Better leave a note for the husband to turn on the rice when he gets home.
If you're like me, this is a standard scenario for the morning. More often than not, at least one of the items on my mental "to do" list gets forgotten because organizing myself in a coherent fashion is not one of my strong points. In fact, I would say that I am the queen of random notes. Little pieces of paper, covered with well-intentioned reminder notes, litter my work area in the kitchen. Guess how efficient that system is. It's a wonder that I get anything done at all.
What I really need is one central place where I can organize all of this information. That's where the Samsung 4-Door LCD Refrigerator with Apps comes in. That's right - your fridge.

If this beauty was sitting in my kitchen, I could check the weather report, figure out what the heck I was going to do with that chicken by looking up recipes, and leave my husband a note about turning on the rice, using the post-it function.

I haven't come up with a name yet, but I'm sure I'd have to christen this new kitchen companion with a down-to-earth, sensible name. Madge, Mabel...something like that. Not only would she keep me organized in my daily tasks, but Madge would store and food in a very novel way. Besides the Wi-Fi, one of the coolest features about this fridge is the FlexZone Drawer. The drawer is divided into four sections which can each be set to a different temperature so that you can store a variety of food and drinks at the proper temperatures.

If you would like more information about this amazing appliance, head over to the Official site
This fridge would do wonders in solving my organizational issues. Now I want to hear from you.
Imagine your dream appliance to solve a vexing problem for your chance to win $100 Best Buy gift card.
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I would love it if my refrigerator could tell me how long I had before my produce and meat would go bad. That way, I could be sure I used it all and not waste tons of money!
My dream appliance is a laundry machine that washes, dries, folds, and puts the laundry away.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
My dream appliance is this Samsung 4-door frig. I could find most of what I need at eye-level. How great it would be not to have to bend over and search for food that has been long ago forgotten and gone bad.
I love how the picture of the fridge with the door open has daiquiris in a glass! I would love a fridge that makes daiquiris for me. ;-)
Wow!!! This is one amazing fridge. I could definitely use this to replace by 1970's one I have now.Thanks for the
A stove that cooks without any help from anyone! And the food would be the best you ever tasted.
I have been a fan of the Kenmore 24.7 cu. ft. French-Door Bottom-Freezer Refrigerator ENERGY STAR Stainless Steel since it came out. I'm pretty sure with having WiFi, this totally trumps my old dream refrigerator. If only I owned my own home, I would probably go out and buy this right away (only to find out tomorrow they invent a fridge that prepares food for you in a timely manner with all dishes finishing at the same time!)
I'd love a mop that does the cleaning for me
karinaroselee at gmail dot com
A laundry robot for sure! Wash, Dry, Fold & Sort all the laundry. Can you tell I hate laundry?? ;o)
My dream refrigerator would be one that had a camera inside and a screen outside, so you didn't have to open it to check out what was inside- no more kid's standing with the door open for 15 minutes while they 'can't find anything to eat'.
I want a dryer to fold my clothes!
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
Tweeted too!/gmissycat/status/96357742368919552
gmissycat at yahoo dot com
i want a washer and dryer in one
This fridge is great! Add a personal shopping robot and its perfect.
My dream appliances would be a new set of washer and dryer that can cut the laundry time at least by 1/2. LOL, what a dream. Guess my set is really old and not efficient. The washer sometimes leak during a wash cycle..yike! The Best Buy GF can comes in handy when I'm ready to get my new washer and dryer. :)
amy [at] utry [dot] it
A notification in the fridge letting me know what foods will expire soon would help with food waste.
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
shannoncarman at yahoo dot com
I'd love a dishwasher that cleans the dishes and puts them away
s2s2 at comcast dot net!/susan1215/status/97368634367807488
s2s2 at comcast dot net
My dream appliance would be an automatic cooking and dishwashing machine which I don't need to cook or even put dishes into cleaning.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
My dream appliance would be a smart oven that turns off when dinner is ready, because sometimes I forget about it and burn the dinner ;lol
My dream appliance and I’ve always thought of this is an appliance where you push a button, add your recipe or type in what you want for dinner, lunch or breakfast and wa la, the food is appears.
My dream appliance...I hate sweeping, it is one task I really hate doing around the house for some reason. Laundry, vacuuming, dishes - everything else is fine! lol
So I'd have to say, some sort of appliance that would sweep, mop, and vacuum a room for me with the press of a button.
I’d get a rice maker/slowcooker. So I’d have rice made on the side when the slower cooker
My dream appliance would wash my clothes perfectly clean while being environmentally effective! Thanks!
My dream appliance would be a stove which could prepare and cook the food without further intervention because I am unable to stand for long and can't get up and down much.
chainmail (at) iwon(dot) com
I tweeted this!/The_Sunshyn/status/97788517329010689
chainmail (at) iwon(dot) com
My dream appliance would be would be a sewing machine that could cut out the patter and fabric while sewing.
My dream appliance would be similar to what the Jetson's had!
I'll take Rosie too!
something that folds my laundry!
lyndsey dot hauck at gmail dot com
An oven that has a sensor for when something burns and can immediately cool to save your food!
selinda_mccumbers at
My dream appliance would clean the floors - sweep, vacuum and wash .. that's not asking too much, is it?!
dawn [at] sheIsTooFondOfBooks [dot] com
I´d like a dryer that folded and put away the laundry.
My dream appliance would iron my husbands shirts and pants.
a blender with apps so you can look up recipes right before you make your great concoctions!
adankleff at gmail dot com
a self directed vacuum cleaner that cleans everything
I *need* a coffee maker that can deliver coffee to me where I may be--especially in bed.
A device that could clean the refrigerator out would be fab! ;)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
How about a maid like Rosie on the Jetsons? That would be great!
My dream appliance is a robot that picks up loose items around the house. It finds them by an RFID tag and itknows where/whom to return it to from the RFID tag.
hlee99 (at) gmail (dot) com
My dream appliance is a self-organizing refrigerator that accepts return items through a trap door for energy efficiency and the frig knows where to put it and you request items by voice requests and the item comes out the same trap door. No more science experiments lurking in the back of the shelf since this frig knows when to reject out of date items and generates a printout for your shopping list on demand.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com
my dream appliance would clean up after I'm done cleaning up so there are no mystery dishes in the sink in the morning
what an awesome giveaway! my dream appliance would unload the dishes in the dishwasher for me ;)!/rsmc1/status/98972353337368576
i just tweeted about the giveaway! @melodyjoy83
I think THIS fridge is MY DREAM appliance!
My dream appliance is a silent blow dryer so I can watch tv while I dry my hair.
kmg852 at gmail dot com
I would love a self-sufficient vacuum. It seems we always need to do it, but it's just no fun!
My dream appliances would be a washer and dryer all in one and fold the clothes!/HappyTina0115/status/99601710179291136
Annalisa-My dream appliance is a dryer that fluffs and folds.
I dream of a dishwaher that clears the table.
My dream appliance would wash the windows!
I would like an appliance that would fold my clothes and separarate them into individual baskets for each family member. Would it be too much to ask for this appliance to also put the clothes away?
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
I have posted this on my blog.
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
My dream appliance would be a fridge like this one, but with two freezer drawers and an app that keeps an inventory of what I have.
My dream appliance would be an energy efficient range! I cook a lot, and I know that my stove is a major chunk of my electricity usage (after A/C and heat, of course).
I would love a dishwasher that actually cleaned the dishes! Mine is only 2 years old and has never cleaned the way it should. If I pull out one more piece of dirty silverware I may scream!
I'd love the magic dryer that folds and sorts my clothes and makes the bed with the fresh sheets!
I'd like a fridge with revolving shelves so I don't have to bend and dig for things in the back
I wish my fridge had a "scanner" in it. So that when I put something in it, it would scan it. And when I was would let me know!
Oh my, that right there is my dream fridge!
I need a coke maker. Like most people have a coffee maker. I would like a coke maker, so I could start off my mornings with an ice cold glass of coke. This would help me not have to drive to get one each morning. :)
itzacin {at} aol {dot} com
itzacin {at} aol {dot} com
I would love a robot who did all my that would be a real dream appliance
I'd like the refrigerator to tell me its contents so I don't forget them and, of course, give me the space to house everything I want. Love this refrigerator!
My dream appliance would be a dishwasher. It would clean thouroughly. I have a huge family and I do the dishes. This appliance would help me save time and do less work. This would be a gos send.
Jeanette Huston
i'd go for an appliance that takes care of all my laundry duties as well as clean my house
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot) com
i would love a dishwasher that requires no rinsing or presoaking and actually cleans with no spots
nannypanpan at
Blogged here
Jeanette Huston
Jeanette Huston
Dream Appliance....
A self cleaning shower -- auto water temp adjustment - shower head auto adjust... then somehow clean and dry interior (after you are out of it of course)....
I'd really like a microwave that sensed what I put into it, so it would cook at the PERFECT temperature for the perfect time. No more burned or bad food!
My dream appliance is one that rinses the dishes, puts them in the dishwasher, and then takes them out and puts them away.
would love an appliance that when you put all the ingredients into it, it cooks a meal for you
pedidentalasst at yahoo dot com
My dream appliance would wash, dry and fold the clothes seperate them by size then text me when they are ready to put away
see i'm not difficult
nightowlmamablogs at gmail dot com
My dream appliance would fold and take care of laundry, I dislike this part of laundry. sweepmorey at gmail dot com
2ND ENTRY TWEET @!/kytah00/status/102448227063840768
kytah00 at yahoo dot com
I would love a dry that no matter how long you let the clothes sit in it they would never come out wrinkled! Holly Hennessy Swint
Tweeted this giveaway!/astroqueen67/status/102466191083315201 Holly Hennessy Swint
I'd like all my appliances to be self cleaning, including toilet and the sink, or a robot that would clean everything for me. But the fridge would be good enough >.<
songyueyu at gmail
A self cleaning toilet would be a dream for me!
I live in an older apartment where the fuses jump if I run two devices on the same fuse. My frig runs on its on fuse so I would want a built-in convection oven-microwave-toaster oven. No more blown fuses.
tweeted here:!/bellows22/status/102914865160658944
debbiebellows (at) gmail (dot)com
I would have a robot that cooks gourmet meals then cleans up the kitchen and dining room.
mybeachylife at gmail dot com
I would love to see a microwave that you can put in a pack and it prepares an entire meal
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
My dream appliance would be a toilet that cleaned itself after each use and closed the lid :)
My dream appliance would quickly and evenly thaw out all the meals I forget to take out of my freezer ahead of time for dinner.
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love an appliance that would sort, wash, dry and fold my clothes!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
I tweeted!
eemoody77 at gmail dot com
My dream appliance would be a washing machine that automatically dries your clothes for you without having to move them to another machine. An added bonus would be somehow hanging up the clothes for me or laying them flat so they don't wrinkle.
jan dot wilson at gmail dot com
My dream appliance would wash the clothes, dry them, fold them, then wheel itself around the house to put them all away.
the imagine tree at aol dot com
My dream appliance is a self-vacuuming vacuum that doesn't miss anything and is powerful!
That fridge is amazing! I'll take one of those, please!
I need a machine that not only will wash and dry clothes, but iron, fold, put away and do the occasional repair too (missing button, hem, etc)! Basically I need my own personal Rosie. LOL
Kandi Smith
My dream washing machine would automatically wash and dry clothes. The user (me) would sort soiled clothing into appropriate bins. When a bin held a full load, the machine would add the pre-determined laundry additives for that bin and then empty the bin into the washer. The clothes would wash at a cycle that was pre-determined for that bin. When the clothes finish the wash cycle, the machine sends the user (me) a text asking if I want to proceed with drying immediately or dry at a later time that is set by texting. The machine then dries the clothes according to a pre-set cycle for that particular bin and sends the user (me) a text a few minutes before the clothes are dry.
My dream appliance would be a pre-power washer for the sink, so that the dishes actually come out of the machine without scraps of food on them!
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
I just want appliances that work. At this point, my dream appliance is a range that heats. - sbennett34 at yahoo dot com.
My dream appliance would be an appliance that would not decide to DIE after a year. At this stage of my life I'm not as choosy - as long as it maintains for OVER a few years.
My dream appliance would wash, dry, fold and put away laundry all while washing the floor. Sigh. Maybe some day.
rebecca {at] foodie with family [dot} com
I would love for my refrigerator/freezer to be able to tell me how much I had of any item in it. Also, I would like for it to be able to "hear" me and answer my questions about its contents.
Laundry just does my head in, wish there was a machine to sort the clothes, wash, dry and then iron. Too much? LOL…
How about an alarm that lets you know when it's time to start dinner? I never remember to do it until everyone is tired and ready to eat.
I would totally love a new stove right now. The one we have has only two burners that work!
My dream appliance is a refrigerator that tells you if you have stuff in it that's going to go bad; one that senses when you put something in it and asks you when that item should be cleaned out. And then reminds you when that date is near or passed. I would name her Bridgette the Fridgette. I imagine our conversation would go something like this...
"Bon jour, Jenni! Cherie, do you remember that pate' you placed on my shelf last week? You will need to use it by tomorrow."
"Oh, merci, Bridgette. You're the best!"
"No, you are, darling!"
"I know." le sigh
Oh, how wonderful that would be.
My dream refrigerator would season and/or marinate my food for me. You get home from the supermarket - throw your meat in a shoot, press a button saying how you'd like it seasoned and it would get it all ready for you when you are ready to cook it.
I'd love a counter wiper-downer. Nobody ever wipes our counters down and it seems like I do it 100 times a day.
shel704 at aol dot com
shel704 at aol dot com
I'd like an automatic vac that also empties itself. I have SO much dog hair that my dogs should be bald!
I tweeted!/starlogva/status/104601465628278784
starlogva at yahoo dot com
My dream appliance is a dishwasher that also removes spots, dries dishes and puts them away in the cabinet.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com!/LuckyDuckyToo/status/104615460783407104
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
if i could have any appliance i'd choose a commercial grade 6 burner gas stove with a flat-top griddle and double ovens....ahhh:-)
I'd love to have something that would clean- and freshen-up my shoes!
bikeohio2010 at gmail dot com!/bikeohio/status/104721139221274624 tweet
bikeohio2010 at gmail dot com
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