Tell me if this sounds familiar. You head downstairs first thing in the morning, pour your first cup of coffee while looking through bleary eyes and sit down in front of the calendar to remind yourself what you need to accomplish that day. Ah yes, soccer practice for the kids, appointments to schedule, dinner to be know, the usual. You turn on the television and flip to the Weather Channel to check out the day's forecast (God forbid you actually step outside to check the temperature).
Next, you stand in front of the freezer, door wide open, and realize that all you have for dinner is chicken breasts...again. What the heck are you going to do with chicken breasts to stop your family from saying, "Can't we get takeout tonight"? And then you realize you won't be home in time from soccer practice to turn on the rice so that it will be ready in time for dinner. Better leave a note for the husband to turn on the rice when he gets home.
If you're like me, this is a standard scenario for the morning. More often than not, at least one of the items on my mental "to do" list gets forgotten because organizing myself in a coherent fashion is not one of my strong points. In fact, I would say that I am the queen of random notes. Little pieces of paper, covered with well-intentioned reminder notes, litter my work area in the kitchen. Guess how efficient that system is. It's a wonder that I get anything done at all.
What I really need is one central place where I can organize all of this information. That's where the Samsung 4-Door LCD Refrigerator with Apps comes in. That's right - your fridge.

If this beauty was sitting in my kitchen, I could check the weather report, figure out what the heck I was going to do with that chicken by looking up recipes, and leave my husband a note about turning on the rice, using the post-it function.

I haven't come up with a name yet, but I'm sure I'd have to christen this new kitchen companion with a down-to-earth, sensible name. Madge, Mabel...something like that. Not only would she keep me organized in my daily tasks, but Madge would store and food in a very novel way. Besides the Wi-Fi, one of the coolest features about this fridge is the FlexZone Drawer. The drawer is divided into four sections which can each be set to a different temperature so that you can store a variety of food and drinks at the proper temperatures.

If you would like more information about this amazing appliance, head over to the Official site
This fridge would do wonders in solving my organizational issues. Now I want to hear from you.
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