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This giveaway is now closed. Please go to my second Kellogg's post for a chance to win another $100 Visa gift card.

We had a bit of a shock when my youngest son was a toddler. It was time to move from rice cereal and mashed bananas to something more substantial. I carefully broke a little cereal piece into small crumbs and placed them in front of him, with anticipation of seeing a big smile appear as soon as the toasted grains hit his tongue. Instead, a look of disgust and accusation crossed his little face and he promptly spit out the cereal. This was in direct contrast to my eldest son's reaction, who took one bite of cereal and never looked back at the start of his cereal infatuation.
Now, the cereal rejection might not seem like such a big deal, except for the fact that my youngest son now wolfs down eel and octopus whenever we go to a Japanese restaurant. And yet, he still will not try another bite of cereal.
So, what does our esoteric eater crave for breakfast? Well, luckily it doesn't involve any unusual international fare. We are able to get away with half a bagel with cream cheese, a soft boiled egg with toast strips for dipping, or an egg fried sunnyside up. For the last option, he eats all of the egg white first, then pops the entire yolk in his mouth at one time so it can burst in his mouth. I take the credit (or the blame, depending on how you look at it) for that little habit.
As far as the breakfast routine for the rest of the family, we are creatures of habit. Every weekend, my husband and I mix up a double batch of whole wheat waffles, spiked with spices such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, or ground ginger and blueberries. After eating one batch for breakfast, we slide the rest of the waffles into a ziploc bag and freeze them for breakfasts during the week. All it takes is a quick pass through the toaster oven to return them to their former fresh-cooked selves.
On mornings when the waffles stay nestled away safely in the freezer, my husband, our eldest son and I indulge our love for cereal. The two adult cereal bowls are filled with Raisin Bran, while our son switches between his two favorites, Rice Krispies and Cheerios. Whatever the choice, all of our bowls are topped off with whatever fresh fruit happens to be available.

Whatever ends up on our plates or in our bowls, however, one thing remains the same. We always sit down altogether to enjoy the first meal of the day. The table is set with place mats and napkins and we take time to find out what each person's day holds. Even if we have busy days in front of us, at least we enjoyed a few minutes chatting and enjoying each other's company.
For a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card, please answer the following question in the comment section:
"What is your breakfast routine?"
This giveaway is now closed. Please go to my second Kellogg's post for a chance to win another $100 Visa gift card.
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You may receive an additional entry by blogging about this contest and leaving a link in the comments.
This giveaway is open to US Residents aged 18 and older
Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail, so please be sure that you leave an email address.
You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
For 24 additional chances to win a $100 Visa gift card, please visit the Kellogg exclusive offers page.
This giveaway will be running from 8/11 to 8/16/2010.
Please see the official rules for this giveaway.
For more information on Kellogg's, please visit
Mom’s Breakfast Club was started to help educate moms and families about kids’ cereal and share the scoop on their nutritional benefits and ingredients. To learn more about the program, visit
Lately, my breakfast routine has consisted of heating up some turkey sausages. BUT, redeeming myself, I did make amazing homemade breakfast cereal last week.
I also tweeted about this:
On weekdays my breakfast routine is to have a healthy protein shake.
scoopster (nospam) at yahoo dot com
My routine is cereal and milk.
My breakfast routine is a healthy protein shake in the morning,
scoopster (nospam) at yahoo dot com
Tweeted the contest at:
scoopster (nospam) at yahoo dot com
My mornings are completely crazy so I usually wind up grabbing something like a muffin or bagel as I’m running out the door. My 2 year old gets a baggie of cereal to eat in the car and the baby gets nursed. Hubby is on his own and also typically grabs something as he’s running out the door.
"Routine" sounds organized. Nothing I do is organized. I grab something as I'm running out the door and eat it in the car!
chelsea at rootsandrings dot com (You'll need that when I win!)
I am so so so not a morning person! For breakfast I eat a Special K Bar at my desk every single work day. Much easier than trying to grab something before I leave for work.
I eat the same every morning egg white, turkey sausage link on a 100 calorie bagel! I eat cereal for dinner I bet twice a week- Yum! Now I am hungry!
I always eat a bagel with cream cheese. My daughter always has a bowl of cereal. We got all out around here! ;)
Our breakfast routine is to all sit down at the dining room table and eat breakfast together as a family. We follow a diet plan which consist of eggs, fruit, milk and cereal or oatmeal.
It took my toddler awhile to adjust from banana and rice to crunchy morsels of goodness as well. He's still gungho though, for his warm rice and banana cereal with raisins and cinnamon.
nsue21702 at gmail dot com
We eat cereal or granola bars. Whatever is quick! Big, sit down breakfasts are saved for the weekend.
My breakfast routine is very simple. I usually have yogurt topped with granola, cereal and fresh fruit. No cooking required, yay :)
lynnx512 at gmail dot com
I tweeted for an extra entry:
lynnx512 at gmail dot com
I work 1st shift so my hubby usually takes care of breakfast for the kids. If I'm lucky I'll grab a granola bar or something on my way out the door in the morning. We try to have a big family breakfast on the weekends though.
angiewith3 at live dot com
tweeted giveaway:
angiewith3 at live dot com
i eat apples and bananas for breakfast, and my boyfriend eats cereal. sometimes i eat parfait and some blueberries. songyueyu at gmail
i tweeted
My breakfast routine? I never have time for breakfast.
Bowl of cereal in front of the TV while nursing the baby.
I don't have a morning breakfast routine. I usually rush around, let the girls sleep as much as they can, then wake them up for our long commute to school. They eat in the car or fall back asleep.
Rushed, hurried and out the door!
We sleep way too late. Then grab something fast to go.
Breakfast bars, bagels, cereal whatever is quick!
Eat in the car!
My kids are teens in high school!
Breakfast for me is plain oatmeal w/half a cup of vanilla yogurt stirred in. For everyone else it's a fend for yourself meal. Usually cereal, breakfast bars, fruit, and eggs are available.
I make my breakfast the night before and run out the door!
I'm an English muffin girl, although I'm pretty bored with it. :)
kt1969 at comcast dot net
kt1969 at comcast dot net
I'm a toast and tea girl.
Fruit (strawberry and banana) smoothies paired with a piece of wheat bread with butter. When we have time to cook, we have sausages, eggs and pancakes.
mandalarctic at gmail dot com
My husband and I aren't morning people, so we usually miss breakfast. We eat it for dinner sometimes!
We don’t really have a breakfast routine… most times, breakfast at my house is just a bowl of cereal or pop tarts!
none of us want to wake up in the morning, we resort to cold cereal or pop tarts
I eat a peanut butter granola bar every morning in the car on the way to work. Sometimes if I'm feeling really ambitious I take a swig of milk before I run out the door.
I eat fruit and hubby loves cereal!
We usually have cereal, soymilk and Greek yogurt for breakfast.
My routine is no routine whatsoever!!
I love my honey bunches of oats with almonds!
We eat cereal and occasionally have eggs and toast
We don't really have a routine for breakfast. If we have time I make omelettes, if not, we grab some cereal and fruit.
I usually just grab a coffee and english muffin in the morning, but I love to take it outside in the garden:>) Thanks for the chance at a great giveaway!
I normally reheat whatever baked good was made the night before...pie, fresh bread, tarts...cookies :-D
Weekdays are yogurt, fruit, or PB&J's. Whatever a commuter can eat at work :)
I try to eat sensible in the mornings that I work- cereal, protein bar or shake. Sometimes I splurge and get a hot sandwich - but mainly I save all of my cooking for the weekends. Love bacon and waffles!!!!
I love making pancakes on saturday mornings for our family of 6. It feels so good to all be able to enjoy a yummy meal together:)
jenny b
jennyhasquads at yahoodotcom
We are a grab what's available kind of family, typically ceral. As a homeschool Mommy I always had grand plans of homemade meals three time a day, but the reality is that isn't possible for our family and that's okay.:)
toaster waffles!!
My husband and I usually have a 1/2 a bagel each morning. I like it with jam and milk, while my hubby likes it with cream cheese and coffee. On the weekends, we enjoy Frosted Flakes.
We definitely fend for ourselves...generally cereal, sometimes yogurt. I think I need to win so I can have milk and cereal at the same time!
Well ... my family is just two ... my hubby and myself. So our morning routine is to grab a cup of coffee and enjoy our backyard for a few minutes before starting our day (we work from home). And that's about it. We don't typically eat breakfast but sometimes on a weekend we make a brunch ... that's a lot of fun and relaxing when we have the time.
Banana, yogurt, and cereal or granola bar. The kids, that is, cause I don't eat breakfast *gasp*!
We like to go for easy! ;) Cereal, fruit,milk, smoothies, pop tarts, etc. Everyones happy that way!
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com
Usually vanilla yogurt with granola and fruit and lots of COFFEE!
I'm usually a yogurt or fruit kind of gal. Or pancakes, but only if mimosas are involved ;)
My breakfast routine always consist of fruit and drinking some water to meet my quota. If I have some time but need to be on the go to work I really do enjoy a mini whole wheat bagel and iced coffee. It depends on traffic I guess :)
We usually stumble through dry cereal and cartoons. My boys may wake up early, but Mommy doesn't function until mid-morning.
I work nights. Everyone has to help themselves at breakfast time, while I sleep :)
Breakfast is help-yourself around here. The cereal is in a low cupboard so even the little kids can reach it.
1. grab milk for toddler and change diaper
2. make coffee
3. throw frozen pancake/waffle in toaster for toddler
4. hope to have a few moments to drink coffee while toddler eats!
I really don't have much of a breakfast routine. Half the time it's cereal & half the time it's nothing or pop. I know I know it's bad!
I tweeted the giveaway as well!
I also blogged about the giveaway @
My breakfast routine consists of giving the little one a bottle of milk, fixing the oldest a bowl or cereal, a bagel, a Toaster Scramble or a Pop Tart and then sneaking in a small breakfast for myself before getting the girls ready for the day! Thanks so much for hosting this giveaway!
I'm trying to break out of my every day rut of eating cereal for breakfast...this week I've been making smoothies. Thanks for the giveaway!
I tweeted:
The teens get up first and get ready and then I make sure the 9 yo is in the shower and take care of baby needs and make sure they follow breakfast schedule that I work on during the weekend
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
I grab bread and butter or milk and cereal depending on how much time I have
fa11enan9e1 at yahoo dot com
Monday through Friday, our breakfast routine is grab and go. On the weekends, we eat a full breakfast.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
I eat Raising Bran Crunch. Every. Morning. So good. That's about as routine as I get.
jesslinq at gmail dot com
I make granola, but my kids would rather just have cold cereals. If we have time they'll go for egg-in-the-baskets and sausage or bacon.
I gotta have coffee first thing otherwise it don't feel like breakfast!
Kids are grown. But I eat a breakfeast, every day any time I want, anywhere I want. Sometime cold cereal, or oatmeal, or eggs, it varies on mood and now it can have want maybe I'll have a grill cheese sandwich.
I wish I could share that I have this amazing morning routine - and I wake before the children (ages 4, 2 and 9 months) wake... but it never/rarely happens. I really do NOT have a morning routine... it is a fly by the seat of our pants style morning routine. :P
Our 'goto' breakfast meal is either cereal/waffle/toast and yogurt/fruit.
I hope to have something set in stone by MONDAY when my oldest starts preschool! EEK!
Thanks, Rachel
runningrachel (AT)
runningrachel (AT)
It's usually my son pestering me for stories until his sister is awake and he can pester me for pancakes while she tries to talk me into omelettes.
We are a simple breakfast family. My daughter loves her cereal! We will usually have a family breakfast on the weekends.
my son loves cereal now..but the first 20 times we tried giving him cheerios..he acted like we were putting small sharp objects in his mouth
i need coffee first thing, my son needs juice..then he will have either whole grain toast or cereal
nannypanpan at
I work 2nd shift so I sometimes don't go to bed until 3am. Needless to say, mornings consist of my husband calling and yelling into the answering machine to wake me up so I can get our daughter up and going for school...then I sit on the couch in a stupor until she's cereal all the way for breakfast because if I try to use the stove, I'd set the house on fire, for sure.
I have a huge pet peeve about eating before school..if she skips breakfast I feel like the world's worst mommy so there's a lot of me yelling to "EAT SOMETHING" in the morning as she's trying to get ready. Even a granola bar eases my mom-guilt.
shel704 at aol dot com
shel704 at aol dot com
my breakfast routine: stumble out of bed and make a cup of coffee and some cereal. thanks for the contest!!
inthehammockblog at gmail dot com
tweeted here:
inthehammockblog at gmail dot com
Our breakfast routine is to wake up and eat a piece of toast and then an hour or so later we eat cereal, waffles, eggs or something. We're not huge breakfast eaters here so a bowl of cereal is good for an hour or two.
I tweeted:
candace_redinger at yahoo dot com
Usually cereal with milk, glass of oj, and some fruit. Some mornings when we're more ambitious it would be an egg and toast. Sunday mornings are fun with a brunch of eggs, pancakes, fruit, and sausage or bacon.
meredithfl at gmail dot com
My routine is not so crazy anymore now that the brothers I raised are grown..I grab a toasted bagel w/ cream cheese and I'm out the door haha
Thanks for the chance to win!
We usually have cereal/granola or yogurt and fruit or just toast....or a favorite around here is french toast. And everyone but me loves coffee. I prefer juice.
couponboss at gmail dot com
My two sons are completely different. One has to eat as soon as he gets up and the other needs to be awake for a while before he can eat breakfast. I let the little one eat a yogurt as soon as he gets up and then when the older one is ready, I’ll make them bowl of cereal, oatmeal, or a toasted English muffin. On the weekends, I try to do a nice family breakfast of pancakes or eggs and bacon.
wake up, get some water and cereal. that's the norm for me. I don't really do fancier than that.
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I am a big eggs person, I would say 98% of breakfasts have something to do with them. Either omelets or egg sandwiches.
sithereandread (at) gmail (dot) com
Mornings here go quickly—usually cereal and toast or oatmeal and toast for breakfast, and then everyone is out the door to deal with the day!
skkorman AT bellsouth DOT net
I prefer cereal for myself in the mornings; my grandkids all have different preferences for breakfast…one has a scrambled egg plus fruit; I keep pancakes frozen in the refrigerator; and all of them like my oven cinnamon toast. But I don’t have the responsibility of getting them off to school each day etc and all but the two youngest can get their own breakfasts and they have siblings who can make breakfast for them.
My routine is to skip - my kids love breakfast. they eat cereal, poptarts, waffles, etc.
misaacmom at gmail dot com
We have cereal, oatmeal or eggs and OJ for breakfast during the week. On the weekends sometimes I make bacon,eggs,toast or french toast. Thanks
My 2 little grandsons arrive at my house every weekday at 6:30 AM. I feed both a bowl of cereal and toast and jelly usually before putting the 2 year old back to bed, and taking the 5 year old to school.
eswright18 at
my breakfast routine usually consists of cereal, my sons favorite food, or pancakes/waffles
eswright18 at
Most days, we eat something quick and easy like toast or cereal because we are usually headed out the door for work or some other activity. On the days when we don't have anything going on, I like to make waffles or egg and cheese English muffin sandwiches.
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com
nbalogh522 at gmail dot com
Our typical family breakfast routine consists of my husband coming home at 7am from his graveyard shift and cooking us a delicious hot breakfast usually pancakes or eggs. On the days that he runs late, sometimes he will pick us up a hot breakfast to go or we just fend for ourselves and hit the cereal and milk.
Coffee and a few bites of something sweet for me first thing in the morning, then a nice breakfast of cereal with skim milk or a banana and oj about an hour later. Then I hit the shower and get ready for work.
I start work between 1 and 2 pm every day, so I enjoy taking my time in the morning.
I don't really have a routine. On weekends when we aren't busy, I'll cook breakfast--but it's just whenever. On weekdays, my husband and kids fix their own. You know, they pour cereal and milk in a bowl or toast some PopTarts. We love Kellogg's products!
Of course, coffee is THE all-important first! I do eat the exact same thing everything morning- oatmeal and a banana. Yum!
Thanks for the great giveaway!!! :)
kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com
I just Tweeted about this giveaway here:
Thanks!!! :)
kmorris at wildcatdiscovery dot com
We normally have pancakes or eggs for breakfast, after I've had my Dr. Pepper of course!
Sometimes we have cereal or poptarts!
fineinsanity {at} live {dot} com
Breakfast routine around my house is I have coffee, my son has whatever he wants to make for himself,& my daughter usually has either pancakes & sausage or cereal.
The up-side of my husband being laid off is that HE is now in charge of the morning routine. (You have to find a silver lining, right?) :)
Get up wake teen daughter up take dogs out daugher dresses and fixes her own breakfast and I drive her to school
We just kind of sit down and eat something together. The most boring routine imaginable, huh? :0)
I eat granola and hope I don't get too many small seeds in my computer keyboard ;)
iclipcoupons at gmail dot com
I tweeted:
iclipcoupons at gmail dot com
We usually eat something quick running out the door.
I have a 6 month old. So, he usually helps me make my breakfast (a bowl of cereal or waffles). Then we heat up his (usually rice cereal, applesauce or a veggie puree). Then we both sit down at the table and eat together!
I try to keep things simple and quick in the morning. I usually have a banana and some instant oatmeal. tweet
It's quite simple. I prepare a bowl of cereal, add milk and frozen fruit.
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
tweeted about it:
pauleyd68 (at) yahoo (dot) com
My kids usually have oatmeal or cereal for breakfast, but every once in awhile I will break routine and fix them pancakes!
winnieayala at yahoo dot com
Weekday breakfast is usually cold cereal and orange juice. Saturdays I'll make pancakes, french toast, or eggs. Sundays I like to make cinnamon rolls out of tube biscuits.
Everyone is up and about at different times so we all have our own routines. Mine involves feeding all the animals as I’m first up and then relaxing with coffee. I don’t eat until I get to work and usually then have a bagel with cream cheese. No milk available at the office cafeteria so no cereal.
dwndrgn at hotmail dot com
We only eat breakfast because we're "supposed to". So everybody just grabs a bagel or something easy that they can eat on the run, with or without coffee.
I tweeted
breakfast time is hectic, bur cereal and fruit are easy
I wake up, turn on the computer, grab a bowl of cereal if there’s any in the house, read email, enter sweepstakes. A little before 9am I get up and dressed and head off to the library to use their free wi-fi and stay cool with their a/c! If I didn’t have cereal in the morning, I grab a granola bar on the way out of the house.
Thanks for the giveaway!
email in blogger profile.
Up, shower, get kids up and feed all - cereal, frozen pancakes (homemade), waffles, scones and I usually try to get some fruit in my kids although I'm not always successful! Coffee for me! Take care of pets, dress and off to school.
We like Greek yogurt with some fruit and honey mixed in!
I tweeted
We grab cereal and milk and a banana
I usually have apple cinnamon oatmeal.
Ours is pretty simple.... My prefers cold cereal or pop-tarts and the other is not a morning eater, for me it's coffee as I can't eat until I am up for a few hours.
BrendaLea A. - Purple Lady
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
My son’s typical breatfast is yogurt, fruit and a poptart, or McDonald’s. My morning breakast is 2 sausage and egg burritos from McDonald’s every morning, and about 4-5 cups of coffee :)
On the weekends, if he’s home I may make breakfast (pancakes or omlettes) or we’ll go out for brunch @ Cracker Barrel :)
I blogged
Our weekday mornings are pretty choreographed (wake up shower and get dressed,
open the house start fixing breakfast, wake my kids up, they get dressed and we
all gather at the table to eat and then begin our activites for the day) because
I run a home daycare their favorite staple is cinnamon toast, cereal and fruit.
On the weekend its WHATEVER aka chaos!:)
Usually it’s cold cereal or scrambled eggs with cheese. The kids love to help make eggs and they love eating them.
Our breakfast routine includes juice and cereal or oatmeal and a piece of fruit!!
We usually grab bananas and cereal on the run. :)
I'm not much of a breakfast eater, but my hubby is a dedicated cereal eater. He has a bowl (or three...) of cereal every morning.
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
I tweeted:
shawna at couponladyonline dot com
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